2012 Paintings: Mile Marker Series
Click on the thumnail of the painting to see a larger version. |
Mike Coulson's Mile Marker series of paintings explores the abstract visual possibilities observed while cruising down the road. Coulson takes the commonplace experience of traveling in a car and transposes it with color, texture and abstraction to convey the essence of the highway and the nature of the road. The paintings, titled by mile markers, are essentially creative expressions illustrating marked events and experiences along the way. Everyone connects by means of the highway and all will readily connect with elements in the paintings.

Mile Marker 129: Blue Skies
30x30 Acrylic on Canvas |

Mile Marker 130: Rendezvous
30x30 Acrylic on Canvas |

Mile Marker 128: Crossover
24x24 Acrylic on Canvas |

Mile Marker 127: Alluring
24x24 Acrylic on Canvas |

Mile Marker 126: Passing Sulphur Springs
48x48 Acrylic on Canvas |

Mile Marker 101: Changing Lanes 24x24 Acrylic on Canvas

Mile Marker 102: Construction
Acrylic on Canvas |

Mile Marker 119: Sulphur Springs
48x48 Acrylic on Canvas |

Mile Marker 121: Offset
24x24 Acrylic on Canvas |

Mile Marker 124: Skittish
24x24 Acrylic on Canvas

Mile Marker 122: In the Distance*
24x24 Acrylic on Canvas

Mile Marker 110: Red Bank*
36x30 Acrylic on Canvas |

Mile Marker 105: Through the Panhandle
48x48 Acrylic on Canvas

Mile Marker 106: Combine Tracks
48x48 Acrylic on Canvas

Mile Marker 107: Passing
48x48 Acrylic on Canvas |

Mile Marker 108: Detour
60x48 Acrylic on Canvas |

Mile Marker 123: Headlights*
84x72 Acrylic on Canvas |

Mile Marker 103: Bump in the Road*
36x36 Acrylic on Canvas |

Mile Marker 118: Horseplay
48x48 Acrylic on Canvas |

Mile Marker 104: Dip in the Road
30x30 Acrylic on Canvas |

Mile Marker 115: Approaching Storm*
58x58 Acrylic on Canvas |

Mile Marker 120: Lane Dancer
60x48 Acrylic on Canvas |

Mile Marker 117: Moonstruck
Acrylic on Canvas  |

Mile Marker 112: Flooded Field *
36x30 Acrylic on Canvas |

Mile Marker 113: Amber Field
24x24 Acrylic on Panel |

Mile Marker 125: Double Header *
36x36 Acrylic on Canvas |

Mile Marker 114: Swollen Pond*
24x24 Acrylic on Panel |

Mile Marker 109: Long Stretch
36x36 Acrylic on Canvas |

Pink at Night: Celestial Delight *
30x30 Acrylic on Canvas

Pink at Night: Sailors Delight
30x30 Acrylic on Canvas |

Pink at Night: Constellation in Sight
30x30 Acrylic on Canvas

Pink at Night: Mosquito Bite
30x30 Acrylic on Canvas |